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We go through life mostly walking a scripted path early on, determined by someone else and that, supposedly, is going to bring us guaranteed satisfaction and success at the end. Only that it isn’t really guaranteed, and many people find out rather late on their journeys.
School doesn’t teach you everything, and certainly, very little to make you astonishingly successful both personally and professionally in the world of today. That’s why you need to complement your education with a large dose of self-education. There are close to infinite ways to achieve your maximum potential in life, but a distinctive one to do so rapidly is to learn from those that already have been through this and succeeded.
And you are in luck because they also love to write books telling you how their development came about. Learn from them by reading their own words written on these books on personal development.

Wholehearted is an easy to read, inspiring and compact book that takes 16 Buddhist precepts and strips them down to universal themes and teachings that anyone can integrate into their daily lives. By the end of the book, readers will have learned how to explore and investigate their own core values, identify mental habits that could be unconsciously hurtful to themselves and others, and rediscover their personal values so they can live energetically, authentically and lovingly.
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A guide for the overwhelmed perfectionist struck a chord with me as I left my consulting job in Europe and moved back home. With 8 years of experience in 3 countries and 2 languages, I couldn’t seem to get anyone to respond to my job applications. Feeling low and wholly unconfident in myself, I read this book knowing I wasn’t alone in feeling this way – in tying my entire worth as a human to my career. Hunt shares personal stories and tools that helped me find my own worthiness again and start my own business.
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This is the self-help book that’s going to help you not only survive the storms, but come out the other side happier, stronger, and with a mean left hook. If you are going through a difficult time in your life and need some guidance (and some laughs), you need to read this.
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This is the perfect book for those who fear the unknown. If you find yourself always trying to make plans and sticking to them from start to finish, reading this book will help you to let go of that urge and learn to embrace the uncertainties that are inevitable in life.
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Charles Duhigg explains through his own habit awareness (eating a cookie in the middle of the day…everyday) how we can form new habits and shift old ones that aren’t serving us. It’s a must-read for people looking to make big changes and want to take small steps towards that.
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It’s called Follow Your Detour and it’s a self help book about navigating life when it doesn’t go the way you’d planned and how to embrace those detours along your path. It shares my personal journey with infertility, the loss of my greatest dream of being a mother, the loss of a loved one, and consequently the loss of my identity.
I share how my detour ended up being the biggest blessing and led me down a greater path than I could’ve ever imagined for myself – filled with self-discovery and transformation! It’s brought me to a place where I can confidently say I am thankful for that loss I went through because it was crucial in my growth and development. So it shares a message of finding purpose in your pain when life just doesn’t go the way we expect it to – which is a huge lesson for us all.
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This book contains 52 themes to help you take back your power and not let other people, or other situations, ruin your day. From getting a parking ticket to family squabbles to life-changers such as the loss of a job, this book offers wisdom, good humour, and coping skills that improve the quality of life. You Can’t Ruin My Day is designed to help you unload the burdens you have been carrying around with you. The book is not only filled with wise words but also inspiring stories and anecdotes, insightful and motivational quotations, and lighthearted and laugh- producing material.
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This book discusses the three main attachment styles: secure, anxious and avoidant, and addresses the main topic why do I attract ‘these’ types of partners into my life? A scientific approach to looking at relationships, this is a must-read for anyone looking to uncover why they date emotionally-unavailable partners.. Readers can learn to work with their attachment styles to find healthy relationships.
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Making Sense of Mindfulness offers readers practical exercises and suggestion to integrate more balance and relaxation into their daily lives. The book covers a great deal about how to self care and bring more mindfulness into daily life.
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This is a great book for anyone seeking to be connected with their most Authentic and Highest Self. As a child, each of us was told many things about who we are and who we should become. This book helps us to unlearn anything that no longer serves us and helps us feel confident in becoming the person we were meant to be.
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This uniquely engaging travel journal describes four keys to unlocking personal and spiritual fulfillment: solitude, introspection, courage, and commitment. Through a series of compelling travel essays and deeply thoughtful memoirs, Janice Holly Booth draws readers into each adventure—ranging from a solo hike through Northern California to galloping across the fields of Ireland to a short stint with the Circus Arts learning the flying trapeze—and shares her secrets to a fuller life through traveling alone. Step by step, she demonstrates why leaving everything—and everyone—behind for a few days (or more!) is the best path to inner strength, confidence, and true self-knowledge. It’s the best way to grow and become brave.
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Don’t Feel Stuck! teaches you how to manifest your success and happiness in your life. You learn how to empower yourself by identifying and releasing stubborn mental beliefs and establish your newly positive belief system created by you, for you. In addition, you learn how to anchor your new belief system into your soul’s core and take inspired actions to show the Universe exactly what you desire into your life.
The Universe is your oyster! Journal your new reality into existence, literally, because writing down your dreams and desires followed by taking soul-inspired actions speed up ALL your manifestations into your physical realm.
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This book came highly recommended to me when I wanted to become a better communicator in my every-day life. If you’re a coach, or struggling in your relationship, this book is an intuitive, yet transformative book.
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This is the perfect book for a people pleaser. It provides you with a slew of different responses you can give while saying no to anything you don’t want to do in life. From loaning money to friends/family right down to declining dates. Almost any scenario you may want to say no to is in this book. It also helps guide you to think of your own responses to scenarios that may not explicitly be defined in the book.
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It’s grounding. It reminds us that we’re all having such a beautiful experience, and anything we can think of that may be a stress today is really nothing worth worrying about in the long run. This book is like a breath of fresh air when you need it. Outstanding read.
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This book is great for those who seek to achieve success. As well as those who understand that success starts in the mind with what you believe and think. The author shares the differences between people with a fixed mindset and those with a growth one. She explains how people with either mindset would approach a situation. This is great information for those who to shift from a fixed mindset a growth one.
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I thought I understood the idea of boundaries, but Boundaries the book was still very empowering for me. This concept has given me so much control over my life! It’s helped me in my friendships and working relationships, but also in marriage and parenting. I’m thrilled that they wrote a whole series!
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Getting to Yes is a #1 Best Seller for Negotiation, Conflict Resolution, and Mediation. The book has helped millions of people learn a better way to negotiate and seek agreements with people. It focuses on helping you deal with all levels of negotiation and conflict resolution, and is a timeless classic.
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Shonda Rhimes, famed creator of mega TV hit shows like Greys Anatomy, Scandal and How to Get Away With Murder writes about how she transformed from a shy introvert into someone who is living her best life. Her writing style is witty and engaging, leaving you feeling absolutely inspired, motivated, enthralled, empowered and imbued with badassery. There were so many nuggets to take from this book. One of my favourite chapters was the SAYING YES TO NO chapter. Shonda learns and teaches you that no is a complete sentence. No justifications or excuses. It is okay to say no. This is something I have struggled with personally and this was profound for me.
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During the 2008 Recession, Bridgitte Jackson Buckley was one of millions affected by job loss and foreclosure. Many of these people internalised the outer events as a negative reflection of their personal capacities without taking a deeper look at the crisis as a potential underlying catalyst. In The Gift of Crisis, Bridgitte shows you how to explore crisis as a tool for courageous change, regaining your self-esteem with self-love and self-compassion.
It was through experiences of prolonged financial crisis that Bridgitte realised she subconsciously co-created experiences that felt so bad that the only place she could go was within―exactly where she needed to go. In The Gift of Crisis, you will discover how helpful going within and retaking control can be for you, too.
For women and men who are sincerely interested in spiritual growth, yet find it difficult to make mental room to dedicate to such growth due to personal distractions, this inspirational book will demonstrate the practical manner in which meditation and prayer can assist during any type of crisis as a means of reaching for a calmer, clearer, more courageous and purposeful life.
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Is it really possible to free your heart and mind of the emotional wounds of the past? Are anger, pain, and suffering blocking you from the love and happiness your desire? Whatever the cause of your heartbreak, it is never too early or too late to courageously forgive and let go. In Heart Healing, author Susyn Reeve expertly guides you to put compassion and unconditional love into action in practical, easy, and lasting ways.
With the insight of someone who has walked the road from heartbreak to forgiveness to living a life she loves, Susyn invites you to heal the emotional wounds in your life. Full of wisdom gained from decades of study with Joseph Campbell, Jean Houston, Robert Fritz, don Miguel Ruiz and her thousands of clients and students, Susyn’s book is a refreshingly honest and practical guide to living a life of contentment, connection, and long-overdue love.
This book is brimming with stories, proven exercises, and powerful affirmations to free you from any resentment and anger you are holding towards yourself or others. Susyn does not gloss over life’s pain and struggles. Rather, she shows how to use them as springboards to new open-hearted perspectives and possibilities, so you can readily feast on the magnificent gift of life.
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“Susie Rinehart seemed to have it all―two beautiful kids and a loving husband, a job where she was respected as a leader, and medals as an ultramarathon champion. Then she found out that a tumour on her brainstem threatened to take away her voice. and her life. With so much at stake, Susie had to rethink how she wanted to live. Fierce Joy is the incredible story of one woman who learned to shed perfection and find joy in every day.
So many of us grew up believing that achievements would lead to love and acceptance. Just ace that test, win that race, get that job, and happiness will follow. But it’s hard to arrive at happiness when we’re motivated by fear. Fierce Joy is about healing, rediscovering yourself, and becoming a warrior in a new way. For anyone who has lost their voice in the never-ending struggle to please others, Susie offers hope. In each section of the book she offers a series of takeaways―lessons she learned when life forced her to slow down and step back.
When she faced losing everything, Susie learned to choose joy over fear, brave over perfect. ”
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You may not realise it, but the decisions you make throughout the day, the attitudes you adopt, the conversations you have, the way you respond to other people, and the thoughts you think are all prayers. The food you choose to eat is a prayer, the way you spend your money is a prayer―even the way you drive is a prayer! We are constantly communing with the Divine, even in our most mundane activities. And the Universe will give you what you’re praying for.
Whatever you’re thinking about (and therefore praying about) will manifest in your life. If you’re worrying, I don’t have enough money, the Universe will say ‘Yes, you don’t have enough money.’ If you’re constantly lamenting, I don’t have a significant other in my life, the Universe will respond, ‘Yes, you don’t have a significant other.’ If you frequently complain, I’m fat, the Universe will answer, ‘Yes, you’re fat.’ If you want something different in your life, you must pray a different prayer. Your Life is Your Prayer by BJ Gallagher and Sam Beasley will show you how to do just that.
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Transform your habits and live your most authentic and fulfilled life.
Habits for Success is the perfect blueprint to help manifest positive changes with author Author G. Brian Benson’s unique look at growth, self-awareness and success. Learn to identify triggers and warning signals when you are out of balance and how to counter them while building confidence. A self-help book for an authentic life, the author weaves genuineness and vulnerability into his habits and ideas through personal stories.
They are beacons of light guiding the reader to their own personal version of happiness. Habits for Success is written with an incredible amount of depth. It is a wonderful mix of heart, informative ideas and entertaining journey.
It’s a self-help book that doesn’t feel like one.
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How can you use intuitive intelligence to make better decisions and live a happier, more purposeful life? In his new book, Rick Snyder explains the need for growing this underdeveloped skill and how to do so. The rational mind, doubt, busyness, fear, and the ego often disconnect us from our intuitive nature and inner compass, which makes our life choices much more challenging to navigate. However, these obstacles and deeply-ingrained filters can be overcome. Each of us is capable of being more present to what our inner signals are trying to communicate, allowing us to open our mind and body to a deeper guidance within.
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In I Gave Up Men for Lent, Kacie tells her own story of self-reflection, but really she is telling the story of every girl who is trying to balance pursuing love with defining her own self-worth; every child trying to build healthy adult relationships with their family members; every young professional trying to understand the intersection of motivation and contribution. Read this book and you’ll better understand yourself and those you love the most!
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“In this remarkable, life-changing new book, renowned inspirational speaker Darwin Stephenson introduces us to the power of Love and how this simple approach to life unlocks the key to lasting success and happiness.
In Choose Love, author and founder of the non-profit Centre for Loving Studies, Darwin Stephenson sounds a wake-up call. Despite all our accomplishments, we are less happy than ever before and hope is fleeting. In sharing this timeless, proven formula that the world’s most successful people have known for centuries, Darwin shows us how to discover our purpose and demonstrates how the choice of Love aligns us for lasting success and happiness. ”
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