In the past, reading was a pastime that we all relished as it provided us with information that enriched our minds. But today, it has become a simple activity where we browse through occasional articles we find online.
But whether you read a best-selling novel, a steamy paperback book, or a textbook, you will give your brain a workout with each page that you turn. It has been constantly proven by science — reading can benefit the brain in several measurable ways, even in training your memory.

Reading exercises your brain
Aside from your muscles, you need to exercise your brain too — and one of the best ways to do this is through reading. This activity is neurologically demanding compared to processing speech or images. While in the process of absorbing the content you’re reading, parts of your brain that have evolved to perform other functions connect in a neural circuit for reading, which challenges your brain.
You can interpret a sentence as a shorthand that conveys information that your brain should infer. While you read, your intelligence gets stimulated since you need more concentration. This forces you to create a narrative, construct, and imagine. Each time you read, you will have more time to think. Reading also gives you a “pause button” for insight and comprehension that other activities don’t provide.
Reading builds your vocabulary
Studies conducted about reading have demonstrated that students who regularly read books, starting at a very early age, develop broader vocabularies gradually. Having a broad vocabulary will have an impact on the various parts of your life, from getting high scores on standardized exams to increasing your chances of getting accepted in college or at various job opportunities.
Moreover, employers are on the lookout for applicants with “soft skills,” including the ability to communicate effectively. There are many ways to expand your vocabulary but the best way is through reading. Those who constantly read get exposed to new terms, which they learn in context.
Homework help for students
As you get into the hobby of reading books, you will need more time for it. But students like you have to deal with homework while trying to juggle other tasks. As a student, you can complete your assignments with the help of online essay writing services. If you get a task to write an essay, you can pay for homework at EduBirdie if you can’t do it yourself. This way, you will have more time to study and read more books to strengthen your mind and memory and perform amazingly well in academics.

Reading improves brain connectivity
Studies have also shown that reading narratives can stimulate changes in your brain, not just while you participate in this activity but also in the resting-state connectivity. This means that when you read, the connection between your brain’s left temporal cortex — the part of the brain linked to language reception — gets heightened. This continues for a number of days after you read.
Reading increases your ability to feel
Reading also increases your brain’s central sulcus activity. This is the part of the brain that controls your motor skills. For instance, if you read a text where a character walks along a trail, the activity from your neurons will make you feel like you’re going through that same feeling yourself. There is also something known as “grounded cognition.” This is when reading places you in someone else’s shoe through the biology of your brain.
Reading develops memory retention overall
The most common understanding when someone reads, their brain will decipher the words on the page. But the brain does more than that. Reading is more neurobiologically demanding than processing speech or images. This is a natural neural exercise. When you read, the different parts of your brain, like your language, associative learning, and vision, work together. Reading helps heighten the overall functions of your brain, and it also helps improve your memory.
According to a study conducted by a group of scientists, they discovered that reading could even decrease your beta-amyloid levels. This is a protein found in the brain that’s involved in Alzheimer’s. But reading keeps your mind stimulated cognitively. The act of reading is also commonly associated with a slowing down of mental decline by improving mental flexibility, which is a crucial element in the retention and development of memory.
Most would agree that reading is the best hobby in the world. No matter what you read, this pastime is informative, educational, relaxing, and entertaining. Despite its existence throughout the ages, reading is still a vastly unexplored area. But now you know that it can help benefit your memory and more.
Author’s Bio:
Angela Boggs is a freelance academic writer and writing coach who works with students to help them hone their skills to perform well academically. She has written thousands of essays and thesis and trained numerous students to be good writers. Her free time is spent playing with her cats, watching drama shows and exploring new food in the restaurants.