School taught a lot of things, some useful, most definitively not. But one thing that it definitively does not teach is how to become a better, more defined and unique individual. That’s something that cannot be taught, but definitively something you can discover on your own.
When the education system fails to instruct the student, self-education becomes a necessity. School can’t ever instruct you on how to become interesting, resourceful or more clever, but these books on personal development definitively can help you with that.
Learn through the words of those that already struggled with helping themselves grow past their own limitations. Take the advice from their experience on which paths work and which you better avoid. Help yourself to develop yourself with these on personal development.
#1 Not Your Average Cup of Joe by Joseph Braithwaite

With this book, Braithwaite truly shows that every single person not only has unique and admirable qualities, but the ability to parlay those qualities into REAL success – allowing them to succeed beyond their highest hopes. “Worried you’re an average Joe,?” the book asks. It then reassures you – whoever you are – you are not.
Using his own life story- rising from hardship and becoming a successful leader – the author shares real examples of successful, determined people from a range of industries that will inspire confidence, teaching that literally every person has unique qualities – whether they excel in finance, construction, strategy development or simply at making great coffee – that can be leveraged allowing them to succeed magnificently. The book includes real, helpful, actionable talk about grit, mentorship, self-understanding, self confidence and how to leverage all of it. ”
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#2 You Are Worthy: A Guide For The Overwhelmed Perfectionist by Julee Hunt

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#3 Follow Your Detour by Lindsay McKenzie

Follow Your Detour shares the author, Lindsay’s, own journey of loss and how she embraced the most difficult dead end in her life as a detour. The concept of a detour is critical in life. Understanding that sometimes detours end up leading us on journeys better than we could have imagined or planned for ourselves helps us find purpose in our pain and faith in the future.
No matter what you’re going through, this book will help you find the courage to accept it, overcome your fears of uncertainty, and push forward towards finding the real you and discovering the greatness that’s out there waiting for you. All you have to do is follow that detour! ”
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#4 Peace Power Profits: Why You Don’t Have It, How To Get It by Gwendolyn Smith

Often people don’t make the association between the results they’re immediately having in their careers, life, business or relationships and the traumatic events in their past. These events such as abuse, abandonment, grief, loss, debilitating setbacks or self-limiting beliefs can wreak havoc on your success though you may not even know it. They leave trapped emotions inside of your body that go to work subconsciously, giving you results you’re repeatedly having.
The author Dr. Gwen uses her experience of her early abusive marriage to map a path to healing and wholeness using the Peace, Power Profits ACT Breakthrough Success Model. She shares the framework with tools and methods to help you heal your past, creating peace, power and profits and releasing you from the trap to go from *Broken to Breakthrough*. ”
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#5 365 Days of Happiness by Jacqueline Pirtle

How often do you really pay attention and choose things to improve your day?
In 365 Days of Happiness, author, energy healer, and mindfulness teacher Jacqueline Pirtle has created daily inspirations that help you mindfully work towards living a more vivid experience of daily happiness. Showing that you can put in work to change your life while having fun, the practices are full of whimsy and delight. Each day teaches you to find happiness, use those sour lemons, and shift yourself into a “high for life” frequency where you can reach happiness anywhere at any time. ”
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#6 The One Thing by Gary Keller

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#7 What They Still Don’t Teach You at Harvard B. School by Mark H. McCormack

The author, a legendary sports agent and founder of IMG, a major management agency, offers examples from his life. He tells stories of failure and success, and this is precisely what makes the book so great – the author is honest, straightforward, and someone we all can learn from.
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#8 Choose to Win: Transform Your Life, One Simple Choice at a Time by Tom Ziglar

Whether mental, financial, career or personal, stress at some point in one’s life will prove to be a deterrent for moving forward. The purpose of Ziglar’s book is to get individuals on the path to realise a forever change by replacing bad behaviours with good behaviours.
Ziglar Notes Seven Key Life Areas to Move Forward Positively
In Choose to Win Ziglar examines in-depth seven specific areas that affect one’s life. At the conclusion of each section is a list of questions, along with examples, to help one on their path to choosing to win. As new strategies are attained, bad behaviours are replaced with good ones allowing for goals to be achieved. ”
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#9 The 5am Club by Robin Sharma

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#10 Maximize Your Super Powers Vol. 1 by Capri Cruz Phd

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Experience the wonder of spirit communication firsthand—even if you don’t think you were born a medium. Sharon Farber shares her amazing story of becoming a medium through study, not birthright, and she reveals how you can become one, too.
This easy-to-use, empowering book provides everything needed to lay your foundation for connecting with loved ones in spirit. Build your skills through practical techniques and hands-on exercises. Explore the different types of mediumship, what it is and isn’t, and its roots in Spiritualism. Learn how to gather information from those you connect with in spirit and how to overcome common fears and challenges.
Featuring insights from Q & A sessions with various mediums, along with many ways to enhance your abilities—including setting intention, raising your vibration, trance work, meditation, and grounding—/Choosing to Be a Medium/ demonstrates that almost anyone can connect with spirits on the other side. ”
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#12 Radical Candor, by Kim Scott

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#13 Connect: How to Love and Accept Yourself After Divorce by Dawn Burnett

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#14 Winner’s Bible: Rewire your Brain for Permanent Change by Kerry Dr. Spackman

What’s unique is that the book is supported by an App that coaches readers on their journey to become the best version of themselves.
Just five minutes daily use permanently rewires the logical and emotional circuits of the brain to accelerate the achievement of your goals and create the life you’ve always wanted.
I love using my App each morning. It only takes five minutes in the morning and keeps me connected to what truly matters, helping me stay on track with my Goals to create my Optimal Future.
If you ever wonder why it is so hard to change despite your best efforts then this book and app might be just what you need. ”
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#15 Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport

You need to dedicate intense periods of “deep work” to master a complex skill. However, the interruptions of social media and network tools make focusing a rare talent. Before reading Deep Work, I was on social media daily, constantly checking my texts, and heavily distracted. Now, I am actively focused on getting valuable work done and my business is growing faster.
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#16 A Year of Living Kindly by Donna Cameron

The book illustrates how each of us can strengthen our kindness muscle, ultimately changing our lives . . . and maybe the world. At a time when incivility has reached epidemic proportions, many people are wondering if this is the new normal. It doesn’t have to be. Kindness is the best antidote to incivility and it’s also the path to a full and satisfying life.
Before buying a copy make sure to compare the price at various outlets:
#17 How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

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Christina Albe from Haus von Albe
Lindsay McKenzie from Follow Your Detour
Dr. Gwen Smith from The Dr. Gwen International, Inc.
Jacqueline Pirtle from FreakyHealer
Meha Agrawal from SILK + SONDER
Jason Patel from Transizion
Jaquelyn Mahalick from Finn Partners
Scott Watson from Wickfree Candles
Capri Cruz from Maximize Your Super Powers with Dr. Cruz
Sharon Farber from Sharon Farber, Author Medium
Alexis Haselberger from Alexis Haselberger Coaching
Dawn Burnett from A New Dawn Natural Solutions, Inc
Sabine Tyrvainen from SabineTyrvainen
Earl Whute from House Heroes LLC
Donna Cameron from A Year of Living Kindly
Yaniv Masjedi from Nextiva
We are a family of book-lovers. A lot of my team members at Sell My House in Tampa are book-lovers. I will definitely share these suggestions to them! Thank you so much!